Grown-ups and [I'm 12]'s Friends Photos
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Honored Guests:
SS -
C00KIE M0NSTER and the rest of the Sesame Street crew can be
found camping late at night on the [I'm 12] servers.
SS -
>V<ER is very furry. Oh, and if Sac says its ok, it MUST be ok.
AtTheGates hails from the Great White North and
is one of our buddies from
[M]. More declassified
photos soon to
be coming. Please to be keep your eyes peel.
Lanfear is another buddy from
[M]. If you want to know
Lan's claim to fame, just ask Trixie to marry you.
Chumps is the stylin' Vice President of CiaB! Check him sportin' the swank
attire befitting his status: polyester blend floral print shirt, linen leisure
jacket, baggies, and creepers. Fake Ray-Bans and bad pizza complete the
·T4RR4NT · [M]
and his secret fuel source.
· `K > P. Incriminating
bunny photo soon to come.
Lame-o [M]. Too cute to give ANYBODY a third eye, right? RIGHT?
BumpinFresh was Mudkiller's frosh roommate.