Join [I'm 12] today! It's always a party when you're in [I'm 12]!

Clans we have played matches with:

  1. PoT 2/22/1998 4-0
  2. ]MP[ 3/15/1998 (LoC) 0-5
  3. [APr] (Dw3) 0-0 round 1, 0-2 round 2 (3/18/1998)
  4. CH4 (LoC) 2-0 round 1, 19-3 round 2 (3/22/1998)
  5. er187 (LoC) forfeit (3/29/1998)
  6. NiN (LoC) 17-3 round 1, NiN forfeit round 2 (4/12/1998)
  7. DLG (LoC). 3-5 on well6, 2-1 on 2fort4r. (4/14/1998)
  8. QK (UGI). 7-0 on 2fort4r, 12-0 on 2fort5. (4/19/1998) Screen Shots
  9. [ONE] (LoC) 1-0 round 1, 13-0 round 2 (both 2fort5). (4/26/1998) Hey [ONE], when are you going to post this on your page?
  10. [FA] 2-0: 1 round played.(4/26/1998)
  11. [S3] 2-0: round 1,2. (round 2 aborted due to server crash... last 5 minute SS not avail.)(4/26/1998)
  12. PoT (LoC) 3-0 round 1; 2-0 round 2 (5/3/1998)
  13. nWo (DW4) 13-0 round 1, 18-0 round 2 2fort5 12v12. nWo was short. (5/10/1998)
  14. COTA (LoC) Forfeit - no show. (5/16/1998)
  15. AoA 11-0 one round on 2fort5, tp11, 12v12 (5/16/1998)
  16. DS (DW4) 11-0 2fort5, 6-0 round 2fort4r tp11, 12v12 (5/16/1998)
  17. AiC 2fort5 12v12 45min match tp11. 1368-552 (5/17/1998)
  18. HyD (LoC) 5-0 round 1, 6-0 round 2. 2fort5 tp11, caps only. I need a SS of the 2nd round. Someone send me one! :p (5/17/1998)
  19. [NM] 12v12 match, 2fort4r then 2fort5, tp11, frags+caps. 3198-371 (5/21/1998)
  20. [DK] (DW4) 10-0 round 1 , 18-0 round 2. 11v11 2fort5. (5/23/1998)
  21. [ONE] (LoC) 2-0 2fort4r, 12-0 2fort5 (5/24/1998). [ONE] refuses to post the result of our two games on their web site. llamas...
  22. OSKI 2fort4r, 2fort5 10v10, tp21. Yes, it was a match; CrimsonDawn is a poo-poo and Shad is an idiot and doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground (5/24/1998)
  23. [TN] (LoC) 3-0 one 45 min round on 2fort5. tp11, 10v10, speedstats (5/28/1998)
  24. [CE] 0-0 2fort5, 0-0 2fort5 (5/31/1998)
  25. ]SK[ 6-0 2fort5, 4-0 2fort5 (6/3/1998)
  26. ]tF[ (IGL) 225-180 Canalzone, 100-57 Canalzone part 1 and 155-99 Canalzone part 2 - total 480-336 (6/4/1998)
  27. [SoC] (LoC/DW4) 852-208 (5-0) 2fort5, 889-229 (5-1) well6 (6/7/1998)
  28. [BK] (IGL) 706-142 (4-0) sk_fort2 (6/11/98)
  29. [PoT] (LoC) 16-0 2x30, 2f5, tp11, home and away (6/21/1998)
  30. [AR] (IGL) 445-397, 1x45 tp21 on Stargat2. *cough*spam*cough* (6/21/1998)
  31. [IRON] (DW4) 2fort5, caps only 5-1, 7-0, (6/27/1998)
  32. [ATF] (IGL) Canalzone! 232-113, 256-103, (6/28/1998)
  33. [DLG] (LoC) 2-0 well6, 10-0 2fort5, (6/29/1998)
  34. [iM] (match) 3524-106 2fort5. 12v12 tp11, but 4 iM players bailed halfway through the match. (7/1/1998)
  35. CiaB (IGL West Div Title) 1754-372, 11-0 caps. round 1, round 2. Philo's last game for months :( (7/2/1998)
  36. [BrB] (DW4) 0-1, 0-0, 2fort5. 12v12 tp11. Amazing game played VERY well by [BrB] Props to them. (7/10/1998)
  37. [DJedi] (Grudge match :) 7-0, 0-0, 2fort5. (7/11/1998)
  38. [AD] (DH) 1-0, 1-0, 2fort5. 12v12 tp11. Another nail-biter. GG AD. (7/11/1998)
  39. [BH] (DH) 2-1, 0-0, 2fort5. 12v12 tp11. TF 2.8.2. First game ended 5 minutes short. GG BH. (7/12/1998) [rematch is on 7/16/1998]
  40. [AR] (IGL West Div Title Defense) 114-273 (0-1), 880-107 (7-0). 10v10 tp21 2x30 on well6, demo of round 2. AR completely overran us in the first round. GG AR. (7/12/1998)
  41. [SA] (ASTFL) 11-0, 7-0. (7/15/1998)
  42. [BH] replay of 1st round on 7/12/1998. 3-0 2f5 tp11 12v12 one round on the Gym, demo. 2.82b. GG BH! (7/16/1998)
  43. ]BK[ (DW4). 12v12 2f5 tp11. 12-0, 2-0. (7/19/1998)
  44. CiaB (IGL). 675-117, 1270-716. (7/19/1998)
  45. `M 32smooth, 2fort5. 12v12 tp11. Can't really call it a match - thanks for the great games guys, and the 32smooth workout. (7/21/1998)
  46. [CP] (ASTFL) 466-557 (7/22/1998) gg CP.
  47. [AR] (IGL) 937-145, speedstats; 696-242, speedstats, both on 32smooth, tp21 (7/26/1998)
  48. [SA] (ASTFL) 8-1. gg SA, ringers! (7/29/1998)
  49. uVm (DW4) 3-0, 1-0, 2f5 12v12 tp11 2x30 (7/31/1998)
  50. >V< (IGL) 425-664, 917-1306 12v12 tp21 32smooth 2x30. gg V (8/2/1998)
  51. GiJoe (ASTFL) 585-284, 718-185.
  52. [BrB] DW4 Sky Championship Match 12v12 tp11 2f5 caps only. INTENSE game. 0-0 round 1, 0-0, demo round 2. 1-0, demo 12v12 sudden death overtime.
  53. [AR] (IGL) 12v12 tp11 2f5. 792-211, 2076-158. (8/08/1998)
  54. [BH] (DW4) 0-0, 0-0, bam4. 12v12 tp11. GG BH. (8/12/1998)
  55. [CP] (ASTFL) 418-170, 405-160. 10v10 tp11 2v5 2x30. gg CP.
  56. [AD] (DH) 2-0, 2-0. 12v12 tp11 2f5 2x30. (8/14/1998)
  57. CiaB (IGL) 360-210, 1049-265 10v10 tp21 2f5 2x30. gg ciab!
  58. IC ASTFL Title Match 0-1, 0-2. 10v10 tp11 2f5 2x30. GG IC! (08/19/1998)
  59. DoW (DW4) 623-170, 1535-237 12v12 tp11 2x30 on well6 (08/20/1998)
  60. DN (DH) 2f5 2-0, well6 2-1. nice well6 cap, DN (08/21/1998)
  61. .M (DW4) 1-0, 0-1 12v12 tp11 2f5 and well6 (08/22/1998)
  62. KiN (IGL) 808-264, 867-405 12v12 tp21 2f5 2x30 (08/23/1998)
  63. Ht (ASTFL) 392-192 (2-0), 2nd round forfeit, 10v10 2f5 2x30 (08/26/1998)
  64. SoC (DH) 574-179, (2-0) 1667-144 (10-0) 2x30 2fort5
  65. [M] IGL League Title Match 0-2, 0-4 10v10 2fort5 caps only. gg [M] you OWN!
  66. IC ASTFL League Title Match 0-3, 1-1 2fort5 2x30
  67. CE (DH) 1-2, 0-6 12v12 tp11 caps only well6 (09/04/1998)
  68. IC DW4 Sky Title Defense 3-1, 1-6 , nice well capping IC, gg!! 12v12 tp11 caps only 2x30 well6 (09/08/1998)
  69. GT ASTFL West Title Match 403-240 , 294-272 2f5 2x30 10v10 tp11. (09/09/1998)
  70. >V< IGL West Title Match, 386-365 , 203-312 12v12 tp21 2x30 bam4 (09/13/1998)
  71. IC ASTFL Title Match 274-267, 424-207 10v10 tp11 2x30 2fort5 (09/16/1998)
  72. MP (DH) 6-0, 7-8 12v12 tp11 2x30 2fort5 caps only (09/17/1998)
  73. NC/NJ ASTFL Title Match 291-234 (0-0), 993-125 (6-0) 10v10 tp11 2x30 2fort5 (09/23/1998)
  74. SW (ATFL) 2610-226 (24-1),1920-271 (16-1) 12v12 tp11 2x30 2fort5 (09/24/1998)
  75. UvM (DH) 2-0, 4-0 12v12 tp11 2x30 2fort5 caps only (09/22/1998 and 9/27/1998).
  76. GI (IGL) 260-301 (0-0), 491-538 (2-2) Total: 751-839, GI. 10v10 tp11 2x30 2fort5r (9/27/1998). HOLY SHIT. The mother of all games. Both rounds ended with GI's flag at their entrance! GG GI.
  77. CE (DH) 0-0, 0-1 12v12 tp11 2x30 2fort32 caps only (09/29/1998).
  78. GI (ASTFL) GI forfiets. 12v12 tp11 2x30 2fort5r caps+frags (09/30/1998).
  79. CiaB (IGL) 229-179 (192-249 frags), 196-208 (316-295 frags) 10v10 tp21 2x30 canalzone caps only (10/04/1998).
  80. NC/NJ ASTFL Title Match 281-252 (1-1), 761-173 (5-0) 10v10 tp11 2x30 2fort5 (10/7/1998) (note: screen shots are late! somebody send me ones with the full scores)
  81. CE ATFL 2-0, 0-0 12v12 tp11 2x30 bam4 (10/9/1998) OUTSTANDING game CE. Well played.
  82. UvM IGL Titleshot 412-247 (626-381) 12v12 tp21 1x45 canalzone (10/11/1998) UvM detted our damn CC three (3) times. POOP!
  83. [GT] ASTFL League Title Defense 262-306, (0-0) 489-297 (2-0) TOTAL: 751-603 10v10 tp21 2x30 caps+frags 2fort5r (10/14/1998)
  84. WM ATFL 0-3 0-2 caps only well6 (10/15/1998)
  85. WM/CE vs Im12/zZZ ATFL 1-0 2-5 caps only bam4 12v12 with ZZZ (10/16/1998)
  86. FC IGL Titleshot 368-253 10v10 tp21 1x45 canalzone (10/17/1998) FC detted our damn CC two (2) times. POOP!
  87. APr ASTFL League Title Defense 206-294, (0-0) 198-575 (0-3) TOTAL: 404-869 10v10 tp11 2x30 caps+frags 2fort5r. Nice all-defense APr. (10/24/1998)
  88. GI IGL 200-186, (0-0) 294-301 (0-1) TOTAL: 493-504 10v10 tp21 2x30 caps+frags well6 (10/25/1998) GG GI.
  89. .M IGL Caps Only 0-0 (speedstats), 1-0 (speedstats) 12v12 tp11 2x30 well6 (10/27/1998).
  90. GT ASTFL 270-326, 395-449 (1-1) 10v10 tp11 (10/28/1998)
  91. [AR] IGL 533-277, 642-373 (4-3) 12v12 tp21 well6 (11/01/1998)
  92. [WM] IGL TS 1-1, 2-1 10v10 tp11 32smooth!!! (11/03/1998) VERY close game. GG WM!
  93. [tN] ASTFL 332-235, 280-375 Im12 wins by -2- frags. GG tN! 10v10 tp11 2f5r (11/04/1998)
  94. >V< IGL 2333-469 (0-12) 10v10 tp21 well6 (11/08/1998)
  95. >V< IGL TS 1-5, 0-2 10v10 tp11 32smooth (11/10/1998)
  96. [Ht] ASTFL 305-317, 509-171 10v10 tp11 2f5r (11/11/1998) VERY close Round1. GG HT.
  97. [GI] IGL 156-387 (0-2), 250-341 (1-1) 10v10 tp21 32s (11/15/1998)
  98. [DoW] ATFL 488-97, 691-328 12v12 tp21 32s (11/16/1998)
  99. [DC] IGL TS 20-2, 20-0 10v10 tp11 32s (11/17/1998)
  100. [GP] ATFL 32smooth tp11 10v10 21-1, no round 2. Our 100th match! GG GP, sorry it was your first 32s match :( (11/19/1998)
  101. DV 495-171 (3-0), 520-308 (2-1) 10v10 tp11 2x30 2f5r (11/21/1998)
  102. KiN IGL 1483-398 (13-3), 992-235 (8-1) 32smooth tp11 (11/21/1998) GG KiN, always a pleasure.
  103. BH IGL TS 0-3 impact1 (11/24/1998)
  104. CE IGL TS 1-4 impact1 (12/01/1998)
  105. TN r1, r2 1163 - 639 (5-1 caps) (round 2 cut short by 10 minutes). 2f5r tp11 12v12 caps+frags 2x30. GG TN. (12/02/1998)
  106. CiaB IGL (12/06/1998) 12-10, 2-0 32smooth tp21 10v10 2x30. GG CiaB. MVPs: Hat, List, Yag (12/06/1998)
  107. TN ATFL 2-1, 2-0 2f5r 12v12 tp11 caps only (12/07/1998)
  108. vM IGL TS 12-2, 6-2. 32smooth 10v10. GG vM. MVPs: Guido, Yagami (12/08/1998)
  109. AM ASTFL Title 0-0, 0-2 Nice sniping r2 AM, and nice camping r1 :p (12/09/1998)
  110. GI IGL 589(0)-1349(6) 2fort5r 10v10 caps+frags (12/14/1998)
  111. [HT] ASTFL 2-1, 2-0 2fort5r 12v12 caps only (12/15/1998)
  112. GI ASTFL 0-2 (12/16/1998)
  113. eV IGL 0-0, 0-2 10v10 tp21 sewer1 (01/10/1999)
  114. CP ATFL 2-0, 0-0 2f5r 10v10 tp11 caps only. Nice server AC :P (01/11/1999)
  115. iQ IGL TS 0-1, 1-0 on sewer1. iQ refused sudden death overtime. MVP: Drizzt (01/14/1999)
  116. MP ATFL 1-0, 0-0 10v10 tp11 caps only 2f5r nice server MP let's use HOA next time (01/16/1999)
  117. V IGL 2-6, 0-3 on sewer1. (01/17/1999)
  118. MP IGL TS 8-0, 3-0 on 32s. MVPs: Tetsuo (r2), Stinky (r1) (01/19/1999)
  119. Ht ASTFL 400-192, 299-245 (01/20/1999)
  120. TN IGL F&F 361-172 (1-0), 725-269 (4-1) 10v10 tp11 well6 B-day boys: Fruit, Draven (01/24/99)
  121. .M IGL TS on CanalZone im12 captures .M's Command Center for the win, MVP: Hatred (01/26/99)
  122. GI IGL F&F 316-258 (0-0), 385-336 (0-2) 10v10 tp21 well6 MVP: tEAtEW. GG Ripcord (01/31/1999)
  123. eV IGL TS 135-281, 323-129 10v10 tp11 Canalzone - eV owns CZ (02/02/1999)
  124. DLF ASTFL 4-0, 1-1 gg DLF (02/03/1999)
  125. CP STA Gold 1-0, 2-5 3-5 total, 2f5r 10v10 tp11. Nice server, as always, CP (02/06/1999)
  126. Gi IGL F&F 351-302, 338-366 694-668 total, 2f5r 10v10 tp11. GG Ripcord. MVP: tEAtEW, Smoke and all the Mofocon specs (02/07/1999)
  127. >V< IGL TS 240-177, 224-179 10v10 tp11 Canalzone. GG >V<. MVP: Drizzt, Shadow (02/09/1999)
  128. Fold IGL TS 3-2, 1-2, Fold caps first in Sudden Death overtime on their server. 10v10 tp11 32s caps. GG Fold (02/16/1999)
  129. .M STA Gold 0-3, 3-2 10v10 tp11 caps only well6. GG .M (02/17/1999)
  130. CP IGL F&F 12v12 tp11 1-0, 1-0. (02/21/1999)
  131. tN STA Gold 3-1, 4-1 10v10 tp11 32s. GG tN (02/22/1999)
  132. TrF IGL TS 1-0, 0-0 10v10 tp11 caps only 2brave1a. gg TrF (02/23/1999)
  133. CP IGL F&F 512-464 1x45 2fort5r tp11 10v10 on CP's laggy server. (02/28/1999)
  134. MU IGL TS 245-173, 142-267 MU wins by 53 on CZ. gg MU (03/02/1999)
  135. vM STA Gold 2-1, 5-0 10v10 tp11 2f5r. (03/04/1999)
  136. M IGL F&F 1-0, 1-1 well6 10v10 tp11 caps only. tremendous game. MVPs: tEAtEW and Layzie. (03/07/1999)
  137. M IGL TS 1-3, 0-4 32s. GG M. (03/09/1999)
  138. KoQ STA Gold 4-4, 1-2 bam4 (03/10/1999)
  139. GT IGL F&F 0-4, 0-2 aztec1 10v10 tp11. GT was lanned at GTCon. GG GT. (03/14/1999)
  140. BH IGL TS 0-2, 0-4 impact1 7v10. We were down 3 guys, due to finals. (03/16/1999)
  141. MU STA Gold 0-1, 0-2 bam4. When will we get our starting roster back? :) (03/17/1999)
  142. HT IGL F&F 171-176, 157-205. HT joins the list of clans we're going to frag/camp. (03/21/1999)
  143. DFA WoC 3-0 2-0 well6 10v10. Our first WoC game wo0. gg DFA (03/22/1999)
  144. CiaB IGL TS. +80 or so for us. 10v10 tp11 CZ. gg CiaB (03/23/1999)
  145. DJedi STA Gold 32s 10v10 tp11. 0-0, 4-1. GG DJedi! (03/24/1999)
  146. TN IGL F&F 2f5r 12v12 tp11. 491-304 (1-0), 684-452 (2-1). GG TN! (03/28/1999)
  147. AM WoC 0-0, 0-1. Argyle caps in the last 30 sec. GG AM! (03/29/1999)
  148. MU IGL TS 2-1, 0-0 32s. FuckFace kills 7 in .25 sec. gg MU. (03/30/1999)
  149. TrF STA Gold 6-0, 1-5. GG TrF. (03/31/1999)
  150. iQ WoC 4-5, 2-0 no specs po0 on iQ. (04/05/1999)
  151. GT IGL TS 0-1 first 13 min on gym, 0-3 on the GT server, 2-6 on theirs 10v10 32s. GT owns us on 32s. gg GT. (04/06/1999)
  152. .M STA Gold 4-0, 2-0 10v10 well6. (04/07/1999)
  153. DoW WoC 5-1, 3-1. GG DoW. (04/12/1999)
  154. WM IGL TS 2-1, 0-2 32s. GG WM. (04/13/1999)
  155. CP STA Gold 1-2, 0-2 2fort5r. (04/14/1999)
  156. tN TFCL 1-2, 2-0 32s. GG tN. (04/15/1999)
  157. DK WoC 2-0, 4-0. GG DK. (04/19/1999)
  158. iQ STA Gold 1-1, 2-1 impact1. GG iQ. (04/21/1999)
  159. MP TFCL 0-0, 3-1. Excellent game as always MP! (04/22/1999)
  160. CP WoC 0-0, 1-3. (04/26/1999)
  161. iQ IGL TS 11-13, 20-10 hardcor3. GG iQ. (04/27/1999)
  162. KoQ STA Gold 1-0, 6-1 impact1. GG KoQ. (04/28/1999)
  163. BH TFCL 1-3, 0-2 well6. (04/29/1999)
  164. .M WoC 3-2, 5-0. (05/03/1999)
  165. GT IGL TS 3-15, 1-3 hardcor3. GG GT. (05/04/1999)
  166. tN STA GOLD 2-1, 2-0 well6. GG TN. (05/05/1999)
  167. M TFCL 0-0, 0-0 well6. (05/06/1999)
  168. WM IGL F&F 6-5, 4-3 32s. GG WM. (05/09/1999)
  169. MP WoC 2-0, 5-0. Nice 9 man D round 1 MP, Fru chases in round 2. (05/10/1999)
  170. GP IGL TS 11-2, 2-6> 32s. GG GP! (05/11/1999)
  171. AM WoC 0-1, 0-4. GG AM. (05/17/1999)
  172. Fold IGL TS. Technical Forfeit. (05/18/1999)
  173. CP STA Gold 0-2 1x45 2f5r 6v6. GG CP. (05/19/1999)
  174. DJedi IGL TS 0-5, 6-10 well6. (05/25/1999)
  175. WM STA Gold 2-1, 3-0 2f5r. GG WM. (05/26/1999)
  176. WM WoC 1-5. Matches should not be played on holidays, GG WM. (05/31/1999)
  177. NuK IGL TS 10-1, 4-7 32s. (06/01/1999)
  178. EHA WoC 3-0, 5-7. GG EHA. (06/14/1999)
  179. CiaB IGL TS +40, -31 CZ. GG CiaB! (06/15/1999)
  180. aXe STA Silver 11-7, 9-3 32s. GG aXe. (06/16/1999)
  181. AM WoC 0-0, 0-0. AM wins in overtime. (06/21/1999)
  182. LoL IGL TS +200 on CZ, round cut short, 10-3 on well6. GG LoL. (06/22/1999)
  183. .SK. STA Silver 4-7, 8-5, 1-0 sudden death OT. GG SK! (06/23/1999)
  184. CP WoC 0-0, 0-0, 0-0. GG CP. (07/05/1999)
  185. Vr IGl TS 4-1, 2-0 well6. GG Vr! (07/06/1999)
  186. Zzz STA Silver 0-0, 0-2 impact1. (07/07/1999)
  187. WM WoC 2-0, 4-5. GG WM. (07/12/1999)
  188. tN IGL TS 2-0, 4-2 well6. (07/13/1999)
  189. GP STA Silver 2-0, 4-2 impact1. GG GP. (07/14/1999)
  190. GT JLA 0-4, 0-4 bam4. (07/18/1999)
  191. Ht WoC Title 1-0, 2-1. (07/19/1999)
  192. KiN IGL TS 340-55, 165-55 forzon. GG KiN! (07/20/1999)
  193. GP STA Silver 7-0, 0-2 2f5r. GG GP! (07/21/1999)
  194. DoW WoC Title 3-2, 0-0. GG DoW and multi-clanners! (07/26/1999)
  195. CP STA Gold 3-1, 4-1 32s. (08/25/1999)
  196. Void OSTF 7-1, 7-0 2fort5r. GG []! (08/30/1999)
  197. MP OSTF 1-2, 1-0 2f5r. GG MP. (09/06/1999)
  198. DJedi IGLTS 20-21, 10-12 shoop. (09/07/1999)
  199. [3] STA Gold 2-0, 1-2 impact1. (09/08/1999)
  200. DJedi OSTF 0-2, 0-1 2fort5r. (09/13/1999)
  201. DoW IGLTS 38-20, 37-18 shoop. GG DoW! (09/14/1999)

Clans we have played scrims with.

with DOGS 2fort5! With DOGS!
Bust me out of my frame, please!

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